
Ex Chocolate City Artiste Victoria Kimani takes Vector side – M.I comes for her

Ex Chocolate City Artiste Victoria Kimani takes Vector side - M.I comes for her

Ex Chocolate City Artiste Victoria Kimani takes Vector side - M.I comes for her

Ex Chocolate City Artiste Victoria Kimani takes Vector side – M.I comes for her

It’s getting more interesting as the diss season continues,

Earlier today, Vector released a diss track for M.I he titled Judas The Rat.

The track which has since then been the talk of the day received a lot of reactions,

one of the people that reacted was a female artiste who was once under M.I record label Chocolate City.


Victoria Kimani who left the record label in 2017 after her contract expired said Vector killed M.I.

M.I took no time to reply the Kenyan singer saying it’s clear she hates him because the vector diss is wack.

See Their Words Below :

Victoria Kimani : Damn man ….. Vector just killed the rat May it RIP ”

MI Abaga replied to her tweet “Really? It’s clear now that you hate M because that vector diss is just wack!