
[POETRY] – My back up

[POETRY] – My back up

I keep smiling around looking as if I had nothing to worry about,
But deep down in my soul I needed help,
How come you’re happy when you lost a big thing like that a lady asked, Well, I can’t hang myself for perishables I replied,


I’m laughing around because I have a back up,
Someone who care more about me though I’ve lost a lot,
Someone who comforts my soul when I face challenges,
Life’s hard and also easy, it all depends on who you’re relying on, I’ve got a back up and trust me, no matter the pains,
No matter the problems, he’s the reason I’m smiling even when tears are rolling, He’s the reason I can raise my head and love, play and walk,
Because he comforts my soul.
He’s my soul friend, ever present yet invisible.

AUTHOR : Ayopelumi Adekola